Crypto Thursdays

How to Buy RaiBlocks (XRB) with KuCoin

How To Purchase Raiblocks With Kuicoin Thumb

How to Buy RaiBlocks

RaiBlocks is a popular cryptocurrency that has a lot of potential. Before the destabilization of Bitcoin over the last couple of weeks, RaiBlocks (XRB) was shooting up. It was moving up the ranks as a great bet for cryptocurrency investors. Once Bitcoin is able to stabilize & rally, RaiBlocks will most likely begin another fast climb into the crypto rankings on CoinMarketCap. So before we get too much into why RaiBlocks could be a great buy, let’s look at how to buy RaiBlocks with the crypto exchange, KuCoin.

how to buy raiblocksKuCoin is a fairly large exchange, but it is not the most well known. It offers many smaller coins than some of the other larger exchanges such as Binance or Bittrex. Those exchanges, for the most part, focus on coins that already have a large market cap. Some of KuCoin’s offerings include BTC, NEO, GAS, & XRB. Because of it’s smaller size, many users are unfamiliar with the exchange site.

Using KuCoin

The easiest way to buy RaiBlocks is to put money in your Coinbase account. If you don’t have one already, you can click HERE to create one. By signing up on that link, you will also get an extra $10 in your account if you deposit $100. Once your money is in Coinbase, buy some Bitcoin and transfer it to your KuCoin BTC address (to see exactly how all of this is done, please watch the tutorial video above). Once your BTC hits your KuCoin account, go to your Balances page and click trade next to the XRB listing. You will be able to purchase however much you want according to your Bitcoin balance.

Quick Note: As of the writing of this blog, RaiBlocks does not have a stable wallet for you to transfer your funds to. If you wanted to get out of RaiBlocks, then you would simply trade it back for BTC & transfer that back to your Coinbase account. If you want to buy XRB, you should think of it as a long term hold.

Why to Buy XRB

how to buy raiblocks

Now that you know how to buy Raiblocks, it’s important to know why a person should consider buying RaiBlocks at this time. RaiBlocks has two very distinct reasons that I believe will skyrocket the price per coin over the next two months (I am not a financial advisor so please do your own research before making a buying decision).

  1. Binance will be listing RaiBlocks on their exchange soon. Once XRB is listed on Binance, expect the trading volume and market cap to double to triple within a few weeks. RaiBlocks has piqued the interest of many people. Some people refuse to open an account at multiple exchanges. This means many people do not have a way to buy XRB. Many people with account on Binance will buy XRB once it is available on Binance.
  2. RaiBlocks is about to go through a rebrand. The speculated new name for XRB will be NANO. I’m assuming the symbol and name will be one in the same (think VIBE coin). Many cryptocurrency projects see great gains once they rebrand. It might initially create a dip due to confusion on the name change, but ultimately this will help the price.

I’m personally a big fan of XRB and hold many bags of it myself! I hope you have enjoyed this post & please don’t forget to watch our tutorial video & subscribe to our channel!

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