Income Reports

January 2017 Monthly Income Report – $5421.00

January 2017 Income Report

January 2017 Monthly Income Report – $5421.00

Welcome to my monthly income reports. Each month I will be completely transparent with you guys about the money that I am making with my online business. I do this not to boast, but to show you that it is possible to make real money with hard work and dedication.

A new year is upon us, as well as another income report. I am so excited to continue to grow this blog and podcast and continuing to help you guys grow your brands as well. Let’s just get straight to the point, January for me and what I do is somewhat slow. I expected a lower month (income-wise) and it was. One of the main reasons for this is that YouTube revenue slows down dramatically because the companies have just blown all of their ad budget during the holiday season. This year however, I saw the best January I have ever had on YouTube!

Multiple Streams Of Income

One of the key things to making money online is having multiple streams of income. As you will see in this report, I have, on a good month 5-9 streams of revenue. Try to find various sources of income that are different enough that if something catastrophic happens to say YouTube or another way you are making money you will be ok financially.

DO NOT count on one stream of income to be the only way you make money online.

income report

What Happened In January 2016

In January, I have been doing a lot of behind the scenes work on projects that are going to launch later in the year. I also have been working on growing my videography/DJ business as well and that has taken a lot of time from my online business BUT in a good way. My partner and I already have 3 weddings lined up for 2017 and a few more we are working on.

I also am ready to reveal that my family and I have plunged into the e-commerce world! We opened a women’s boutique called Johnnie Dove Boutique. This business was named after my grandmother who has run a successful brick and mortar store for over 40 years in a small GA town! We have been working on this for a little over a year but just recently really started pushing the brand. If you know or have a special lady in your life you might want to check it out 🙂 I am primarily assisting with the internet portion of things, and learning everything I can about the Shopify platform!

Overall, it was a very successful month for me and my business and I am so excited for what the new year is going to bring!

Income Breakdown For January 2017

Affiliate Income:

Bluehost – $520.00

Everything I do online is hosted by Bluehost. For only $2.95 a month, Bluehost can help you set up and host your blog/website. Because Porter Media is a Bluehost affiliate partner, our community can use this link to receive a 50% discount off the monthly price AND A FREE DOMAIN NAME

The two ways I am driving traffic to my Bluehost link is through Video and Blog Posts

Here Is The Blog Post That I Have Showing You How To Sign Up For Bluehost And Get A Free Domain Name

Amazon Affiliate Program$217.00

This month was WAY lower than December obviously with the Christmas rush being over. 🙁

The Amazon Affiliate Program is a great way to get started with affiliate marketing. Amazon makes it easy to sign up and begin creating links to share to your audience. Utilize the Amazon links for product reviews, DIY project supplies, and so much more. Also, this number will be bigger in November and December due to the fact that more people are buying during the Christmas season.


I use Grammarly as my number one writing tool. Grammarly is a spell checker superhero. It allows you to fix grammatical mistakes beyond just spelling errors.

Here Is My Video Review Talking About Grammarly and How to Use It


TubeBuddy is the tool I use with my YouTube channel that adds a ton of great features that the native Youtube platform doesn’t have. Features such as automatic Facebook video uploads, batch video editing, card templates, annotation templates, YouTube quick links, and so much more. If you are serious about growing your YouTube channel, this is a fantastic tool.

Here Is My Video Review Talking About TubeBuddy and How to Use It

AudioBlocks $60.00

AudioBlocks is the tool I use for all of my Royalty Free background music, sound effects, and music loops. AudioBlocks is a great tool for Podcasters and anyone creating content online. For just $99  per year, you have full access to download as much audio as you need. The site is also updated each month with new audio.

Here Is My Video Review Talking About AudioBlocks and How to Use It

Screenflow 6 For Beginners Course

Screenflow 6 For Beginners$68.00

I worked for 2-3  months on creating this course, and I am extremely pleased with how it turned out. I have learned so much about the course creation process, and cannot wait to share all of it with you guys. You can check out the course here.

screenflow 6 for beginners course

Website Income:

Disclaimer: Google frowns upon people revealing what they make through Adsense and Youtube. I will list an estimate here that will be close to what I made this month. This is not an exact number 🙂


Sponsored Posts$200.00 (This is the amount I was paid to write sponsored content on my blog, I recommend only doing this for products that fit your niche) The guys over at Money Ahoy have a great post on how to get Sponsored Posts Here.

YouTube Income:

YouTube$2100.00 ( This is an estimated number as I am not allowed to share exact revenue numbers, but it will let you see the value in creating a YouTube channel and what it could become).

I have a rather large YouTube Channel called TechnologyGuru with over 120 thousand subscribers and 22 million video views. It has taken me a long time to grow this community, and the channel is a primary source of traffic for all of my other content. Video content is only going to get larger if you are building a community I highly recommend starting a YouTube channel.

Subscribe To My YouTube Channel Here

Subscribe To My YouTube Creators Hub Podcast on iTunes Here — On this show, I interview successful YouTube creators on their journey and get valuable content from them on the YouTube platform.

youtube creators hub podcast

Podcast Sponsorships – $615.00

I have four podcasts in my Porter Media network, all of them based around content creation.

YouTube Creators Hub – Value for people wanting to start, grow and monetize video content.

Podcasters Unplugged – Value for people wanting to launch, grow, and monetize audio content.

Online Business Realm – Value for people wanting to start and grow an online business.

TubeBuddy Express – This show is an 8-10 minute podcast focused on one topic related to YouTube and video creation.

Teachers Pay Teachers – $32.00

Screen Shot 2016-06-24 at 11.24.45 AM

Teachers Pay Teachers is an excellent site for educators to create digital and print items for other teachers to purchase and use in their classroom. My wife is an educator, and I saw so many PayPal payments to this site, I had to check it out. I have made a few items as I have some history in using Indesign and creating things for our church. I am still learning this platform and can see how with more work and items in my store I could make a decent passive income from this site.

Sign Up For Teachers Pay Teachers Here

Fiverr Earnings – $1700.00

Fiverr is a tool I have used from the beginning. I have used this site so many times I have lost count. I have purchased video intros, WordPress tech support, funny videos for my wife, logo design and so much more. I began selling on Fiverr around three years ago as I am a trained Voice Over Talent. I consistently make over $900 each month from Fiverr and only see this number increasing as I devote more time and work to the platform.

Start Selling On Fiverr Here

Freelance DJ/Host Work — NA

January 2017 Total Income – $5846.00

January 2017  Expenses:

  • Podcast Hosting With Libsyn: $80.00
  • Upwork Virtual Assistant: $200.00
  • Website Hosting: $100.00
  • Domain Names: $27.00

January 2017 Total Expenses – $425.00

January 2017 Total Net Income – $5421.00

Goals For Next Month:

  • Clean up my workflow and find a couple of task/productivity apps that work for me and stick with them!
  • Finish the design and production process to continue to grow the Online Business Realm YouTube channel
  • Start working on my full YouTube course
  • Post 4 new posts on the OBR blog (This blog that you are reading now)
  • Do the first ever YouTuber roundtable podcast episode on YouTube Creators Hub

In closing, the month of January was a great month to start off 2017. I have some great goals for the site and my brand this year, and multiple big projects I can’t wait to share with you!

Grow Your Online Business Today!
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